Thursday 31 March 2011

Love VS Money

Am I the only entrepreneur who has this problem? I find it really hard to run a business, and also manage a relationship. They both require time, energy and attention. When my love life looks like it's taking off, my business seems to suffer. When I speak to my family about this, they all point their fingers at me, saying I am the one to blame.

Maybe I just don't understand women or maybe I'm just a terrible businessman. But how can I be terrible when I turned an idea into reality against all odds. I can't be bad with women either after all I manage to put a smile on her face, show her love and affection and made her feel like she has never felt before.

Many people say money does not matter in a relationship, if that is the case why do women like powerful and influential men and vice versa. Why do marriages and relationships end when one person cannot provide for the other or for the needs of the family. Remember this movie The pursuit of happyness? That movie clearly shows that money does not matter in a relationship.
I run a business which struggles to stay afloat, I budget every dime i spend, because I don't earn enough. How on earth can I manage a relationship, when I don't have enough money for a date with that special person, when i can't go on a holiday with her, when I can't buy her great gifts and when seeing her is limited due to the fact that I can't buy petrol.

I believe things change one day. It will change when my business starts to prosper or when I get a job, which means I have loads of time to spare. Right now, I'm just a single guy with big dreams who hopes to have a great future in business and in love.

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